That Space Between “Probably Not” and “Potentially Yes”
In February, Michelle found out that there was something unusual around her thyroid.
The Doctor thought it would be good to run a few tests. After 2 months of multiple blood tests that seemed to give contradicting information, a biopsy, a PET Scan, and having several doctors polarising back and forth about what it might be and how to respond, we finally had a loose diagnosis. The team of Doctors decided that, though they didn't know what it was, it was most likely a form of cancer and they would treat it accordingly.
This meant a "high-risk" surgery, due to being around the throat.
High-risk: meaning that 1 in 12 patients will have complications after the surgery. Things like potentially having a shift in their vocal chords making them sound slightly different. Or having a possible collapse (or paralyzation) of part of the throat, making it harder to breathe in the future. Among other risks.
Then on top of that, they said it wouldn't be until they cut her open that they would then be able to assess more clearly what it was and the best way forward.
So to cut a long story short, there were a lot of unknowns and we didn't have much choice. So we agreed, handed it to God and sat in the space between knowing very little yet being very away of a lot of potential outcomes.
Within about 3 weeks of us hearing Michelle most likely had Cancer, she was booked into surgery, in the hospital for 2 days and then back home with us. It happened that quickly.
At this stage, it seems like the Surgery was a success. They removed half of her thyroid and feel like there is no more cancer in her.
Due to the fact, that this cancer is a rare slow-growing version of thyroid follicular lymphoma, the Doctors are still deciding what the next steps might be for ongoing treatment.
So once again we are in limbo, waiting to hear clarity but left in the dark. Does it mean every few years Michelle will need a checkup and Pet scan, but for now free of cancer? Will it mean more surgery is needed? Or will she need chemo treatment? We just don't know yet.
The Doctor thought it would be good to run a few tests. After 2 months of multiple blood tests that seemed to give contradicting information, a biopsy, a PET Scan, and having several doctors polarising back and forth about what it might be and how to respond, we finally had a loose diagnosis. The team of Doctors decided that, though they didn't know what it was, it was most likely a form of cancer and they would treat it accordingly.
This meant a "high-risk" surgery, due to being around the throat.
High-risk: meaning that 1 in 12 patients will have complications after the surgery. Things like potentially having a shift in their vocal chords making them sound slightly different. Or having a possible collapse (or paralyzation) of part of the throat, making it harder to breathe in the future. Among other risks.
Then on top of that, they said it wouldn't be until they cut her open that they would then be able to assess more clearly what it was and the best way forward.
So to cut a long story short, there were a lot of unknowns and we didn't have much choice. So we agreed, handed it to God and sat in the space between knowing very little yet being very away of a lot of potential outcomes.
Within about 3 weeks of us hearing Michelle most likely had Cancer, she was booked into surgery, in the hospital for 2 days and then back home with us. It happened that quickly.
At this stage, it seems like the Surgery was a success. They removed half of her thyroid and feel like there is no more cancer in her.
Due to the fact, that this cancer is a rare slow-growing version of thyroid follicular lymphoma, the Doctors are still deciding what the next steps might be for ongoing treatment.
So once again we are in limbo, waiting to hear clarity but left in the dark. Does it mean every few years Michelle will need a checkup and Pet scan, but for now free of cancer? Will it mean more surgery is needed? Or will she need chemo treatment? We just don't know yet.
A Fresh Experience of the Fathers Love
Due to the nature of the unknown and the blur of the last 3 months, we didn't get the chance to share this with many others, apart from those we are doing life with.
But despite the small number who knew, we were abundantly blessed by the support, care and love, and are so thankful for those God has placed around us (both in and out of His Church). Amazing meals, visits, check-ins, prayer, encouragement... all these things were poured out to us. And I want to thank you for you generosity and prayers.
I pulled quite a bit back from work, this last month, to make more time for the boys and Michelle, and take on more of the day-to-day needs... but I found that limiting myself from the normal work/ministry I am involved in, actually became a great missional step forward. God has used my limitations and my need for help to become a doorway for multiple friends who are not-yet-followers of Jesus, to reflect Jesus' heart. I believe several of them step a little closer to being who God originally designed them to be.
There is something beautiful about letting others bless us. I love the idea that serving and blessing is a two-way thing. Often Christians (and I am speaking to myself here) can unintentionally take on a saviour mentality, where if I am not the one helping, then somehow I am painting a bad picture of Jesus to the world. And there can be a pride in there, at least there was for me. But allowing my not-yet-believing friends to serve me has the opposite effect. It grows the friendship bond far deeper than when I am serving them. Welcoming their help shows them that are needed, wanted and appreciated.
Admitting that I am limited and need help, is the greatest segue to sharing and experiencing the heart of the Good News of the Kingdom.
God has blessed us with powerful words of truth spoken by some friends who openly don't want to follow Jesus. I have been encouraged by the community around Kilkenny (where we are yet to find another Christian family). And in this way, we have felt the Father's love in a new and unexpected way.
But despite the small number who knew, we were abundantly blessed by the support, care and love, and are so thankful for those God has placed around us (both in and out of His Church). Amazing meals, visits, check-ins, prayer, encouragement... all these things were poured out to us. And I want to thank you for you generosity and prayers.
I pulled quite a bit back from work, this last month, to make more time for the boys and Michelle, and take on more of the day-to-day needs... but I found that limiting myself from the normal work/ministry I am involved in, actually became a great missional step forward. God has used my limitations and my need for help to become a doorway for multiple friends who are not-yet-followers of Jesus, to reflect Jesus' heart. I believe several of them step a little closer to being who God originally designed them to be.
There is something beautiful about letting others bless us. I love the idea that serving and blessing is a two-way thing. Often Christians (and I am speaking to myself here) can unintentionally take on a saviour mentality, where if I am not the one helping, then somehow I am painting a bad picture of Jesus to the world. And there can be a pride in there, at least there was for me. But allowing my not-yet-believing friends to serve me has the opposite effect. It grows the friendship bond far deeper than when I am serving them. Welcoming their help shows them that are needed, wanted and appreciated.
Admitting that I am limited and need help, is the greatest segue to sharing and experiencing the heart of the Good News of the Kingdom.
God has blessed us with powerful words of truth spoken by some friends who openly don't want to follow Jesus. I have been encouraged by the community around Kilkenny (where we are yet to find another Christian family). And in this way, we have felt the Father's love in a new and unexpected way.
We could really use the ongoing support too. I encouraged Michelle (with good friends from Church) to go to the Blue mountains in NSW for a week. To be refreshed and reminded of who she is in Christ. So for the next 7 days, I hold the boys lives in my hands?!? So I could use some prayer right now!
We hope to find out soon, what Michelle's treatment and recovery will entail. So please be praying for peace in her soul as we stand in the unknown. Let there be joy and healing through it all. |
Finally, I have had to put work on the back burner to care for family, and our finances have felt the shift.
Our Prayer is that we connect with more people who not only see the value of what God is doing in and around us... But would also prayerfully consider investing long-term. Multiple people supporting a little each month would really help us. |
PRAYER FOR OUR FRIENDS: There are 3 people/couples, in particular, I would love you to be praying for... all getting closer to experiencing the truth about Jesus. For respect of their journey and privacy I will just share the initials, The spirit knows exactly who they are and their needs.